The Matcha Japan Association (hereinafter referred to as “TMJA”) hereby sets out its privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as “Privacy Policy”) designed to ensure the proper handling of personal information in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and the guidelines established by the Personal Information Protection Commission.
(Published on August 26th, 2022. Original text in Japanese.)
1. Acquisition of personal information
TMJA will acquire personal information by fair means, clearly indicating the purpose for which the information is to be used.
2. Use of personal information
The Association will not use personal information for any purpose other than that stated at the time of acquisition.
3. Provision of personal information to third parties
TMJA will not provide personal information provided by its stakeholders to third parties without the prior consent of the person concerned, unless there is a legitimate reason to do so, such as when required by law.
4. Management of personal information
TMJA will manage personal information in a responsible and secure manner. In order to prevent the loss, destruction, falsification or leakage of personal information, TMJA takes appropriate information security measures against unauthorised access, computer viruses, etc. and makes every effort to prevent unauthorised loss of personal information. In the event of an incident, corrective measures will be taken immediately.
5. Improvement of policy
With regard to the handling, management and protection of personal information as set out in this policy, TMJA will comply with the relevant laws and regulations and will review and improve this policy from time to time.
The Matcha Japan Association(抹茶ジャパン協会)では、当協会に関わる関係者、お客様などすべてのステークホルダーからご提供いただいた個人情報を以下にあげるような指針に基づいて適正に取り扱うことで、関係者との一層の信頼関係構築に努めたいと考えます。